Measure Buildings

In these two video tutorials, learn how to capture the footprint of a building using Moasure, by measuring its outer perimeter using the Wall path type.

Measure the footprint of an office block with Moasure, using the Wall path type

Open the Moasure app, tap on the green + icon, then select ‘Closed Shape’ – this means you’ll be capturing the perimeter and area of the outer footprint of the building. Turn on your device, then when the LED indicator turns red, place your Moasure at a memorable starting point on the wall, holding it between two fingers and your thumb, and swipe across in the app to select the 'Wall' path type.

When the LED indicator turns green, the Moasure device has captured your starting point, and you can move smoothly but quickly to your next pause point. Walk around the perimeter of the building, making sure you pause within the green zone each time, and no later than the amber zone. There is no need to measure the start and end of each wall, as the device will automatically extrapolate to the corner as long as you capture a measurement on each wall face, but do avoid placing the device on uneven surfaces whenever possible to maintain accuracy.

If an obstacle appears, simply walk around it. Place the device flat on the floor when you pause as you maneuver around the obstruction, and these points will be automatically ignored while in the Wall path type. When you get back to the building you’re measuring, return the device to the plane of the wall and your measurement diagram will continue from where you left off.

When you get back to where you started, finish the measurement with your Moasure device in exactly the same place – tap on the red stop icon to end the measurement, and the perimeter and area of your building will appear.

Measure the perimeter and area of a church using Moasure's Wall path type

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