Lay Out Points Based on Entered Coordinates
The Layout measurement type enables the input of coordinates as well as being able to Lay Out Points Based on a Saved Measurement Diagram.
Starting Layout Mode from Entered Coordinates
This process entails either uploading or manually inputting coordinates into the app. Once entered, Moasure provides guidance to the specified coordinate points, enabling the identification of locations and markings.
Layout is only available with Moasure 2 PRO devices. If you don't have a Moasure 2 PRO registered to your account and selected, the Layout feature will be greyed out and disabled. In addition to a Moasure 2 PRO, your Moasure app needs to be updated to 2.4 or higher. Learn more about Moasure 2 PRO.
All entered coordinates are referenced to a reference edge, which consists of the first two captured points (A and B). For more detail, refer to the 'Review and Preview' section further down.
Entering Coordinates
Select the 'Layout' Measurement Type
Open the Moasure app.
Tap the ‘+’ icon at the bottom centre of the app.
Tap 'Layout'.

Inputting Coordinates
Tap on the '+' icon on the Add Coordinates screen to start adding coordinates. You will then be prompted to choose your input method, which can be a CSV file containing your Layout coordinates, or the option to enter manually.
If you have previously added coordinates and used them in a measurement, they will be auto saved and retrievable in the list of files denoted with a CSV icon on the Add Coordinates Screen.

2.1 Import CSV
Tap on Import CSV.
Your phone file picker will open to allow you to select a CSV file. Select your CSV file, ensuring the CSV matches the required format, as outlined below:

The format requires two columns without headers:
X-coordinate (first column on the left)
Y-coordinate (second / middle column)
Example File
You can view and download an example CSV file below:
The (radius) tolerance has a default setting. If you are satisfied with the default, you do not need to input a tolerance value.
2.2 Manually Enter Coordinates
Select Enter Manually then tap on the '+' button located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Enter coordinate values in the form that appears. Specify whether your points will be:
'Relative to Origin' (measured in relation to the origin point); or
'Relative to Last Point' (measured in relation to the last point).
Then proceed to specify the X, Y, and (Radius) Tolerance of your coordinate. The tolerance setting allows you to specify a radius within which you would like to find the coordinates. This setting helps in adjusting the precision of your search based on the importance of accuracy for your task. You can choose from three pre-set radius options:
2 cm: select this for high precision. Ideal when you need to pinpoint an exact location and minimal deviation is crucial.
5 cm: this is a moderate precision option. It balances accuracy with a wider search area, suitable for general purposes.
10 cm: choose this for the lowest precision. This setting covers the broadest area, useful when exact coordinates are less critical and you are looking for general proximity.
Select a tolerance based on how close you need to be to the target coordinates. A smaller radius increases precision but narrows the search area, while a larger radius expands the search area but reduces precision.
Note that you can select either Feet or Meters for your coordinates.

Review and Preview
After adding coordinates, you will be able to view, edit and delete them using the edit and bin buttons. When you edit a coordinate, you can edit the X, Y and tolerance radius as well as the position of the coordinate in the list (the index). This is useful for when you want to re-order the coordinates in the list. To do so, simply tap the Edit Icon, select a new position number from the dropdown field, and tap Save.
Once you have entered all your coordinates and are happy with them, tap on Preview. The app will sketch a drawing to help you check whether your data input is valid.
The reference edge is crucial for the accurate placement of your coordinates. Here’s a detailed explanation:
You need to capture a reference edge to reference the entered coordinates.
The reference edge consists of the first two captured points, A and B. These points are critical, as they establish the X-axis.
The entered coordinates are relative to the origin, A.
The app will prompt you to capture the reference edge prior to guiding you to the entered coordinates.
If you are satisfied with your input, tap on Continue.

Align Phone with Reference Edge
Moasure uses your smartphone’s compass to help guide you to your inputted coordinates. To do this, it’s crucial that you align your phone with the direction of the reference edge. The reference edge is the first two points that help to orient the device, starting with the origin point. Once captured, your X and Y axes are established. Now, tap on Done.

The app uses an arrow on your phone's screen to indicate the direction towards your target coordinates. The screen will auto-rotate to maintain this orientation. If your phone's sensors do not support this feature or if you are in areas that cause the sensors to behave oddly, you have the option to disable the auto-rotation feature in the app settings – do this by tapping on the lock icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Place a marker at the origin of your reference point. This marker needs to be memorable, as you will finish at your first origin point.
Orient the device by moving at a fast pace from your first reference point to your second reference point within the green zone of the timer bar. Note that the inputted coordinates are referenced to your origin point. The reference edge is shown in the bottom-left corner of your app as a compass.
Once you have completed this step, you will be instructed to proceed to target 1, which corresponds to either the first coordinate in your CSV file or your manually-entered list of coordinates. The target point will be visually represented on the canvas with a crosshair icon.
Be sure to rotate your device gradually, not abruptly, and place it down quickly, but gently. Walk to the first target point, ensuring you set the device down within the green zone of the timer bar along the way, and no later than the amber zone.
After placing the device down, the app will indicate whether you have placed it inside or outside of the target radius (defined in your input data). If the device is outside of the target radius, the app will provide feedback on the distance from the target and show a dotted line between your current position and the target point, guiding you in the correct direction with an arrow. If the device is within the target radius, the crosshair icon will turn fully green with a check mark. Place a marker within the target. You will then be prompted to proceed to the next target until all targets are captured.
After capturing your final coordinate, return to your origin point, marked as 'A'.
By following these steps, you can accurately lay out points based on entered coordinates using the Moasure app and Moasure 2 PRO device.
Last updated
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