Moasure STICK Attachment
The Moasure STICK Attachment is a setting that lets the Moasure app know that you're using the Moasure STICK.
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The Moasure STICK Attachment is a setting that lets the Moasure app know that you're using the Moasure STICK.
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If you want to use the Moasure STICK to measure, we recommend letting the Moasure app know that you're using Moasure STICK – this will help maximise accuracy.
Your Moasure device's Reference Point is located on the bottom of the sharp corner. Once you've let the Moasure app know that you're using Moasure STICK – the reference point is moved to the tip of the foam-lined holder.
To let the app know that you're using the Moasure STICK, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Tap on Use Moasure STICK Attachment.
Select "Yes".
The Reference Point is now moved to the tip of the foam-lined holder of the STICK.