Descubra como montar e utilizar o seu Moasure STICK.
O Moasure STICK é composto pelos seguintes componentes:
Uma caixa revestida a espuma para o seu dispositivo Moasure
Um suporte universal extensível para smartphone
Uma articulação rotativa universal
Um bastão extensível
Um saco de transporte
Fixar a caixa revestida a espuma:
Utilize o parafuso fornecido para fixar a caixa revestida a espuma ao bastão extensível.
Certifique-se de que a parte mais pontiaguda da caixa está virada para cima antes antes de a apertar.
Fixar o suporte universal extensível
Fixe a articulação rotativa universal à parte superior do bastão extensível.
Ligar o suporte para smartphone:
Fixe o suporte universal para smartphone à articulação rotativa universal.
O suporte para smartphone pode ser expandido (compatível com diferentes tamanhos de telemóvel).
Ajustar o ângulo do suporte para smartphone:
Desaperte o parafuso de ajuste na articulação universal, virando-o no sentido contrário ao dos ponteiros do relógio.
Ajuste o ângulo do suporte do smartphone conforme necessário.
Aperte o parafuso de ajuste virando-o no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio para fixar o suporte.
Inserir o dispositivo Moasure:
Ao inserir o seu dispositivo na caixa almofadada do Moasure STICK, evite segurar o próprio STICK para evitar dobras e tensão na articulação flexível. Em vez disso, vire o STICK de cabeça para baixo e segure a caixa, assegurando que o LED esteja visível.
Certifique-se de que alinha o seu dispositivo Moasure uniformemente dentro da caixa durante a inserção.
O seu Moasure STICK está agora completamente montado e pronto para ser utilizado.
Antes de começar a medir, recomendamos que informe a aplicação Moasure que está a utilizar o Moasure STICK - isto aumentará a precisão.
O ponto de referência do Moasure está localizado na parte mais pontiaguda do dispositivo. Depois de ter informado a aplicação Moasure sobre a utilização do Moasure STICK, o ponto de referência será movido para a ponta da caixa.
Siga estes passos para que a aplicação Moasure saiba que está a utilizar o Moasure STICK:
Vá a Definições (na parte superior direita do ecrã) na aplicação Moasure;
Clique em Opções de Medição;
Clique na opção Usar o Moasure STICK;
Selecione Sim.
Para utilizar confortavelmente o Moasure STICK, recomendamos que ajuste a altura de modo que a sua mão fique à altura da cintura e o seu antebraço fique na horizontal enquanto caminha. Segure o Moasure STICK entre o polegar e os dois dedos, mantendo uma ligeira aderência.
Descubra como ligar o seu dispositivo Moasure com a aplicação complementar.
Certifique-se de que está a tentar ligar o seu dispositivo Moasure dentro da aplicação. O Moasure não pode ser ligado usando as definições Bluetooth do seu telémovel.
Quando abrir a aplicação Moasure pela primeira vez, ser-lhe-á pedido que ligue e emparelhe o seu dispositivo.
Dispositivos Apple/iOS: requer apenas permissões Bluetooth.
Dispositivos Android: requer permissões de Bluetooth e Localização. A localização é utilizada para calibrar o seu dispositivo Moasure com base na gravidade.
Para conceder permissões, basta clicar nos botões da aplicação. Por exemplo, para conceder permissões de Bluetooth, clique no botão Ativar e Permitir Bluetooth.
Ligue o seu dispositivo Moasure a uma fonte de alimentação através do cabo USB.
A aplicação procurará automaticamente o seu dispositivo através de Bluetooth. Uma vez detetado, o seu dispositivo será listado em Dispositivos Disponíveis.
Seleccione o seu dispositivo na lista para o ligar à aplicação complementar.
O seu dispositivo estará agora liado à aplicação e pronto para começar a medir.
Para garantir uma ligação perfeita entre o seu dispositivo Moasure e a aplicação, siga estes passos:
Ative o Bluetooth: Nas definições do seu smartphone, certifique-se de que o Bluetooth está ativado. Desativar o Bluetooth impedirá que a aplicação Moasure se ligue ao seu dispositivo Moasure.
Verifique as permissões da aplicação: Se tiver problemas de ligação apesar de ter o Bluetooth ativado, verifique as permissões de Bluetooth para a aplicação Moasure. Se a permissão Bluetooth estiver desativada para a aplicação, não será possível estabelecer ligação ao seu dispositivo Moasure. Conceda as permissões necessárias para resolver este problema.
Bem-vindo ao manual de utilizador da Moasure. Aqui encontrará todas as informações necessárias para a configuração e utilização do seu novo dispositivo de medição Moasure bem como as funcionalidades da aplicação Moasure (anteriormente conhecida como aplicação Moasure PRO).
Para navegar neste guia no seu telemóvel, toque no ícone de três linhas que está na parte superior esquerda do ecrã para ver o menu; em ecrãs maiores, o menu já está visível para facilitar o acesso. Para exportar este guia como PDF, clique nos três pontos verticais na parte superior direita da página.
Este video foi concebido para o dotar das competências e técnicas necessárias para tirar o máximo partido do seu dispositivo Moasure.
Este guia oferece flexibilidade para acomodar diversas preferências de aprendizagem, permitindo-lhe navegar de forma independente em cada secção e voltar a consultá-la sempre que necessário.
Precisa de ajuda? Estamos aqui para ajudar - se precisar de ajuda ou suporte, não hesite em contatar-nos através de portugal@moasure.com ou através da aplicação.
Ligar/Desligar o dispositivo Moasure
O que significa cada indicador LED?
O indicador LED no seu dispositivo pode aparecer em cores diferentes:
Dependendo do contexto, podem significar coisas diferentes, quer esteja a medir ou não.
O LED azul intermitente indica que o seu dispositivo Moasure está ligado e no estado “A aguardar para se conetar”.
Por padrão, o Moasure desliga-se automaticamente após 30 segundos de inatividade para poupar bateria.
O LED vermelho indica que o seu dispositivo Moasure está no estado “Pronto para começar a medir”. Isto significa que o dispositivo está pronto para ser colocado na superfície e mantido imóvel durante aproximadamente um segundo. Assim que o aparelho estiver parado, será captado um ponto de medição.
O estado “Pronto para medir” é ativado imediatamente depois de iniciar uma nova medição a partir da aplicação Moasure. Isto significa que o Moasure está pronto para captar o seu primeiro ponto de medição.
Observará que quando coloca o dispositivo sobre uma superfície sólida durante uma medição, o indicador LED fica vermelho. Isto significa que está a capturar um ponto.
O LED verde fixo indica um estado de “sucesso”. Quando o LED verde aparece durante uma medição, indica que o ponto de medição foi capturado com sucesso e pode continuar a medir ou terminar a medição.
O indicador LED verde intermitente aparece quando o Moasure está em movimento. Isso significa que o aparelho está a registar o seu movimento e posição no espaço 3D. O indicador LED continuará a piscar a verde durante um máximo de 6 segundos.
O indicador LED amarelo intermitente aparece após 6 a 8 segundos de Moasure estar em movimento. É altamente recomendável fazer uma pausa antes de 6 segundos e nunca além de 8 segundos.
O indicador LED vermelho intermitente é ativado após 8 segundos sem fazer uma pausa. É altamente recomendável fazer uma pausa antes de 6 segundos para maximizar a precisão.
Quando o seu dispositivo Moasure pisca 1 vez a vermelho e 2 vezes a laranja, significa que não tem bateria e que precisa de ser carregado.
Quando o seu dispositivo Moasure está totalmente carregado, o indicador LED fica verde fixo.
Se o seu dispositivo piscar em vermelho, verde e azul, isso indica que o seu Moasure precisa de ser substituído, desde que ainda esteja dentro da garantia. Por favor, entre em contato connosco (portugal@moasure.com ou através da aplicação Moasure).
Nesta secção, aprenderá a carregar o seu dispositivo Moasure e a verificar o nível da bateria.
Para carregar o dispositivo Moasure, ligue-o a uma fonte de alimentação com o cabo USB fornecido. Quando o Moasure estiver a carregar, o indicador LED do Moasure piscará a laranja.
O dispositivo estará totalmente carregado em 2-3 horas. Uma vez carregado, o indicador LED deixará de piscar a laranja e passará a verde sólido.
Quando a bateria está totalmente carregada, o Moasure tem uma autonomia de 5-6 horas de medição contínua.
Recomendamos que utilize sempre o cabo USB fornecido com a sua encomenda. Se pretender utilizar outro cabo, tenha em atenção isto:
Para carregar o dispositivo Moasure, é necessário um carregador micro USB padrão com saída de 5V e capacidade de corrente de, no mínimo, 500mA. Qualquer capacidade de corrente superior não será utilizada. Uma tensão mais elevada (p. ex., 9V ou 12V) destrói o dispositivo Moasure. Qualquer tensão mais baixa simplesmente não carrega o Moasure.
Se estiver a planear passar um dia inteiro a medir ou se quiser simplesmente saber o nível da bateria do seu dispositivo Moasure, pode fazê-lo através da aplicação, seguindo estes passos:
Ligue o seu dispositivo Moasure;
Inicie uma nova medição para ver o ícone da bateria na parte superior direita do ecrã.
Quando o seu dispositivo estiver a ficar com pouca bateria, a aplicação avisa-o.
Learn about motion-based measuring and how to maximise measurement accuracy.
Single-dimension measurements taken with Moasure – for example a 12ft length or height - are accurate to within 0.5% (plus or minus ¾ inch).
Area calculations made with Moasure ONE – for example a 150 sq. ft. area, are accurate to within 2.0% (plus or minus 3 to 4.5 sq. ft.).
Moasure uses high-performance inertial sensors to record changes in its own position as it moves from one point to another.
When you place your Moasure device down and keep the device still, Moasure's algorithms calculate the data and the Moasure app records a point – a data coordinate with X, Y and Z values.
This means that when you measure the complete perimeter of a yard, for example, the linear distance between each point is calculated, as well as the height or elevation of the point itself.
The first point recorded in a measurement is always the 0 point (x:0, y:0, z:0). Subsequent X, Y and Z coordinates are calculated and displayed relative to this origin.
Using advanced algorithms, the Moasure app then calculates the overall linear distance, giving you the perimeter measurement – and calculates the total square footage giving you the area of the space.
There are three ways to maximise your Moasure measurement accuracy: by mastering your measuring technique through pace, placement and rotation.
O ponto de referência é o ponto a partir do qual o seu dispositivo Moasure mede. Por defeito, o ponto de referência de medição está localizado na parte mais pontiaguda do dispositivo, no lado oposto do indicador LED.
Se estiver a utilizar o Moasure juntamente com o Moasure STICK, é necessário mover o ponto de referência de medição para a parte mais pontiaguda da caixa, de modo a manter a precisão das suas medições.
Para o fazer, siga estes passos:
Clique em Definições (na margem superior direita da aplicação);
Clique em Opções de Medição;
Ative a opção Utilizar o Moasure STICK.
In this section, you will learn how to master your measurement technique. This section consists of three parts:
If you prefer reading instead of watching, you can follow the links below to read more about mastering pace, placement and rotation.
Learn about the impact of speed on measurement accuracy.
With motion-based measuring, the measurement error grows exponentially over time. This means you need to walk fast and rotate your device slowly.
To minimise error and maximise measurement accuracy, do not take longer than 8 seconds before pausing – pausing means setting down your Moasure device to capture a point. Don't worry, this doesn't mean that you must complete a whole measurement within 8 seconds. You can pause as many times as you need to complete a measurement.
To help you stay within the 0 to 8 second timeframe, the Moasure app features a handy timer bar and audible cues.
White: This is filled between 0 to 6 seconds
Amber: This filled between 6 to 8 seconds
Red: This is filled from 8 seconds onwards
Even though it may seem counter-intuitive, the quicker you move, the more accurate your measurement will be.
Besides visual indications in the app in the form of a timer bar, you also get auditory feedback using a beeping sound. A slow tick sound will appear at 6 seconds and it will turn to a faster tick sound at 8 seconds. Once the slow tick sound is heard, you should prepare to set the device down.
Don't worry if you cannot move around an obstacle or obstruction within 8 seconds. You can pause as many times as you need to, for as long as it takes you to get around the obstacle.
If you don't want these pause points to be recorded on your measurement drawing, you can change the Path Type to Ignore Line before going around the obstacle.
Another way to measure around obstacles is to use the Ignore tool after your measurement is finished to remove pause points from your measurement drawing. Every time you ignore a point, the points before and after the ignored point will be connected.
If you prefer watching instead of reading, you can watch the below video that goes through all three aspects of mastering measuring technique.
In this guide, you'll learn about the importance of placing your Moasure ONE down in a way that ensures it's completely stationary. You'll also learn how to accomplish this on challenging terrains.
To avoid over-ranging the sensors, it's important to set the Moasure ONE down gently and ensure that it's completely still. Once the device is completely still, a point is captured which includes the X, Y, Z co-ordinates. The LED indicator on the Moasure ONE will turn green to let you know that a point has been successfully captured.
If you're measuring with the STICK, you might want to hold it with your thumb and first two fingers instead of with the palm of your hand. Holding the STICK with your fingers can make it easier to set the device down gently.
Aside from setting the device down gently, it's important to be decisive when placing the stick down. Avoid hovering over the point you want to place it down at.
Different terrains can, at times, make it difficult to keep the device completely still. The following are some tips for different terrains.
On surfaces such as grass, mulch or turf, it can be challenging to keep Moasure ONE completely still.
On this kind of uneven or rough terrain, pushing the STICK down gently will help to keep the device still so that a point can be captured.
However, in some instances, it may be more appropriate to measure without using Moasure STICK, especially when measuring through tall grass, for example. Measuring without the STICK allows you to gain finer control over placement by utilizing your fingers.
On a sloped surface such as a hill or ramp, the weight of the STICK can sometimes cause Moasure ONE to move slightly. This movement makes it difficult for the device to capture a point.
To keep the device completely still so that it's able to capture a point, let the STICK lean in between your thumb and index finger.
Hold Moasure STICK with your fingers and thumb instead of with the palm of your hand - this will help prevent swinging and help you to set the device down more gently.
Place the device down decisively. Avoid hovering over the pause point. Remember, even though it may seem counter-intuitive, the quicker you move and set your device down, the more accurate your measurement will be.
Place the device down gently – avoid knocks, bangs and impacts which negatively impact Moasure ONE's sensors.
On grass or similar uneven surfaces, try pushing the STICK down gently to help keep Moasure ONE completely still so that a point can be recorded.
On sloped surfaces, let the STICK rest between your thumb and index finger. The weight of the STICK alone will help keep the device completely still so that it can record a point.
You can watch the video below for a demonstration of how to measure on different surfaces. The video also demonstrates how to master pace and rotation.
In section, we’re going to show you how to save your measurements and how to keep them organised by creating project folders so that you can have easy access to them.
When saving a measurement file for the first time in your app, follow these steps:
Tap on File in the bottom navigation bar.
Tap on Save.
Enter a name for your measurement;
Tap on Default and then save your measurement within an existing project. Alternatively, you can create a new project folder by tapping on the ‘+ Add Project’ button, to keep your measurements organised.
Note: If you open your saved file and close it without making changes, you won't receive a prompt to save, and nothing will have changed. However, if you open the file and make modifications, you'll be presented with two options: 'Save' and 'Save As'. Choosing 'Save' overwrites your existing file with any current changes, while 'Save As' lets you save the existing file and create a new version by specifying a new measurement name and folder.
This prompt appears after making changes and performing actions that could potentially result in data loss, such as opening a file, making edits, and initiating a new measurement. It provides flexibility and control over your file management process.
To start a measurement, tap the + icon in the Moasure app.
Once you've chosen a Measurement Type, turn on your Moasure device so that the Moasure app can connect to your device.
With your Moasure device switched on, the Moasure app will instruct you to Place at start – place the device at the location where you want to begin measuring from. Keeping Moasure completely still will let the the device know that this is your measurement's start point.
Keeping your Moasure device completely still will let Moasure know that this is your measurement's start point.
Once you begin moving, Moasure starts measuring. Every time you place the device down and keep it still, a point will be captured – and a line will be drawn in the Moasure app, connecting this point with the previous point. We call these lines Paths.
With motion-measuring, the measurement error grows exponentially over time. To maximise measurement accuracy, you must pause every 6 to 8 seconds during a measurement. This means that to reduce error and maximise measurement accuracy, you should take your measurement as quickly as you can – even if that may seem counter-intuitive.
Once you've finished taking your measurement, tap the red stop icon in the bottom-centre of the Moasure app.
Your completed drawing will be displayed on the canvas where you can view it from different perspectives, inspect it, edit it and save it.
Clear Canvas
While there's currently no direct option to clear the canvas, starting a new measurement by tapping on the '+' icon or opening a saved measurement will automatically override the current measurement shown. It's important to note that new measurements or any edits made to existing ones are not saved automatically.
To ensure your changes are preserved, tap on 'File' and then choose 'Save'. Additionally, the app will prompt you to save your progress whenever it detects actions that could lead to potential data loss, such as starting a new measurement or opening another one.
As Moasure ONE uses motion sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers, care should be taken when rotating the device.
Whenever you need to rotate the device so that the reference point is aligned to your required orientation, you should rotate the device gradually – not suddenly. As with sudden impacts or collisions, abrupt rotations negatively impact the device's sensors which in turn compromises measurement accuracy.
When rotating Moasure ONE, do so gradually from one pause point to another.
Moasure Firmware Updater is a PC application designed to enable users to easily view and update their Moasure device's firmware and calibration. In this guide, you'll learn how to download and use it.
The Moasure Firmware Updater application automatically sets the interface language to the language of your PC. If you would like to change the language, you can do so following the steps under Change Language.
Download the Firmware Updater application, which is compatible with both Windows and macOS.
Open the Firmware Updater application.
Connect your device using the provided Micro USB cable.
Upon connecting your Moasure device, your device details, including the current firmware and calibration version, will be displayed. Should there be a new firmware or calibration update, you will see the option to update. Conversely, if your device is already up to date, a clear message will confirm its up-to-date status. In rare occasions, you will be informed that your firmware needs to be repaired. This is nothing to be worried about - simply click on the "Repair" button that appears in such cases to repair you firmware.
Click on the "Update" button to initiate the update for your device. It's important to keep your device connected to power, maintain a stable internet connection and keep your application open throughout the update process to ensure its successful completion.
After your device has been updated, a confirmation message will appear. If the update encounters any issues, you have the option to retry. Should the problem persist, please contact support@moasure.com, providing your device details for assistance.
In this section, you'll learn how to change the language of the Moasure Firmware Updater.
Select the language menu located in the top header, as highlighted in the image below.
Select another language from the dropdown menu.
The interface language will update.
Starting / Finishing Measurements
Measurement Types
Path Types
Points and Edges
Edit Tools
When you open your Moasure app you will be presented with a screen asking you to tap ‘+’ (the plus icon) to begin your measurement.
Once you select ‘+’ (the plus icon) in the bottom centre of your app, you will see the list of available Measurement Types. Here you will be able to decide which measurement type is right for your project such as closed shape, open shape, point to point, or angle.
By default, Moasure always calculates distance, any elevation change and angle in all measurement types. However, depending on what you're measuring, some Measurement Types may be more efficient than others.
Closed Shape is a measurement which requires starting and finishing at the exact same point. Therefore, it's crucial to remember your starting point, whether it's a corner, a stone, or a reference marker. This type of measurement is particularly useful for calculating square footage or square meters, making it ideal for tasks such as measuring lawns, yards, staircases, and pools.
Note: When utilizing the Closed Shape feature in the Moasure app, the START – FINISH ERROR is displayed as a percentage, such as 0.8%. This error percentage signifies the deviation between the measurement's start and finish points. A lower percentage indicates closer alignment between these points, serving as a proxy for measurement accuracy and aiding in precise estimates of square footage or square meters.
Generally, a Closed Shape measurement with an Error of 1% or less is considered good.
Always aim to start and finish your measurement at exactly the same point as this will result in a more accurate measurement resulting in less than 1% error.
Open Shape is a measurement type where there's no need for calculating square footage or square meters. This method is particularly useful for measuring distances or elevation changes, making it suitable for tasks such as measuring fencing, walls, pipe or cable runs. Additionally, Open Shape measurements can be applied to the sides of structures such as buildings or gazebos.
Point to Point measurement is a swift and efficient method for measuring distances or changes in elevation. Once you initiate a Point to Point measurement, your Moasure device calculates the distance between your first and second point. Each time you move and pause by placing your Moasure device down and keeping it still, the app will re-calculate the distance between the measurement's first point and the current point. Use Point to Point when you want to find the distance or change in elevation/gradient/rise and fall between two points.
Angle is used to measure the amount of rotation or separation between two intersecting lines or surfaces. The angle is expressed in degrees and it provides a quantitative measure of the inclination or deviation between these geometric elements. An example use case is a surveyor using Angle to measure distances and map out land where angles is crucial in defining property boundaries and creating accurate topographic maps.
In summary, Closed Shape or Open Shape measurements will likely cover most of your needs. However, the choice between the two depends on the nature of your project, as one may be more suitable than the other.
Layers enables you to capture multiple areas within a single measurement, giving you a comprehensive, dimensioned diagram of all of the shapes positioned relative to each other.
If you prefer to watch instead of reading, you can view the Layers Video Guide below.
The ability to capture multiple areas or shapes within a single measurement is made possible by defining the first edge. This initial edge serves as a reference or datum line, ensuring accurate placement of subsequent shapes as part of the overall measurement.
Consider these three key factors when choosing your first edge:
Length: The longer the first edge, the less impact that human error will have on the measurement so walk at a brisk pace, aiming to pause just as the timer bar transitions from the green zone to the amber zone. Maintain a smooth, steady path as you walk - this will enhance Moasure's accuracy in positioning each layer relative to others.
Distinctiveness and Repeatability: Select a distinct and easily repeatable first edge. For optimal clarity and ease, we recommend choosing a long straight line using the 'Straight Line' path type for clarity.
Location: Position your first edge centrally within your overall measurement area. This reduces the distance you need to travel for each additional layer.
Note: There's no option to change the reference edge for subsequent layers. It will always be the first measured edge of the first layer (base layer).
When capturing subsequent layers, return to the first edge so that Moasure can determine the relative location of the new layer. Keeping the first edge centrally located maximises accuracy by minimising the travel distance between different areas."
To start a measurement, tap on the '+' icon in the bottom centre of your screen;
Select 'Closed Shape' from the list of available measurements options;
Select the 'Path Type' you would like to use to start your measurement. We recommend the 'Straight Line' path type as your reference line (remember that you can switch between other Path types throughout your measurement at any pause point);
Make sure your first measurement is long with a fast paced walk within the usual timeframe;
Once you’re ready to finish your first measurement, tap on the '+' icon in the bottom centre of your screen;
To create a second Layer, tap on the 'Layers' icon in the bottom right corner of your screen and select 'Add Layer';
Important: The first two points you captured at the beginning of your measurement will be used as 'Reference Points' for all Layers. This will ensure they overlay in the correct place.
Important: Remember to save your measurements by tapping File > Save to save the layer measurement. Note that Save will just save the current file.
Save As Copy is for when you want to keep the original measurement unchanged and save your new measurement (which now includes your base measurement layer and additional layer) as a separate file.
Please make sure the two reference points are easy to access and locate, as every time you create a new 'Layer' you will need to go back to the first two reference points.
Ideally, the two reference points must be separated by 4-5 metres.
When starting a new Layer, you’ll notice that the Path type is automatically set to 'Ignore Line'. This will prevent the orientation line from showing on your measurement diagram.
Once you’ve moved from the reference line to the first point of your next measurement and are ready to measure, don’t forget to switch from 'Ignore Line' to the Path type you’d like to use next (Straight Line, Trace Line, Arc, Circle, etc.)
Once you’re ready to finish your second measurement, tap on the red 'STOP' icon button in the bottom centre of your screen.
To add new Layers, please refer to Point 5.
All Layers must share the same first two reference points to ensure they overlay in the correct place.
When adding a new sub-layer, the Path between the orientation line and the first point of the sub-layer will be set to 'Ignore Line', meaning this line will not appear on your measurement diagram.
Once you've arrived at the sub-layer and when you're ready to begin measuring, change the Path type for the measurement.
You can switch between other Path types throughout your measurement at any pause point.
Remember, measurement error grows with time, not distance.
Pause every 6 – 8 seconds throughout every measurement.
Try to maintain a pace of at least 3ft (1m) per second – pause more regularly for longer measurements. Use each pause to plan your next move.
Use the 'Ignore Points' tool within the app to 'ignore' individual points captured during the measurement. Once a point is ignored, a line will be drawn between the points before and after the ignored point(s). Use this feature when you need to walk around an obstacle, or when you don't have line of sight through an obstacle.
View measurement feedback from Moasure Coach, to help you measure with confidence and accuracy.
Moasure supports measuring both closed and open shapes when working with 'Layers'. However, the closure behaviour is influenced by the initial shape measured on the base layer:
If you start with a closed shape on the base layer, all subsequent layers will also be treated as closed shapes.
Conversely, if you start with an open shape on the base layer, subsequent layers will follow this open shape pattern.
If you measure an open shape (meaning you do not finish at the same start point), Moasure will automatically connect the endpoints with a dotted line to 'close' the shape, unless the shape consists of only two points forming a single line. You have the option to reopen the shape later if needed. It's important to note these behaviours to ensure accurate and desired measurements when using Moasure's 'Layers' feature.
Each measurement consists out of Points and Edges. Points are generally points at which you've paused and edges are the lines that connect the points.
You can tap on a point to inspect / view the coordinates. Once you've selected a point, you will be able to see the following coordinates
You can tap on an edge/line to inspect / view:
In this guide, you will learn how to export files, what formats you can export to and what configuration options you can choose to customise the exported files to your liking.
You can export measurements to share them with colleagues or clients and/or use them in other applications. You can also export measurements to back them up.
PDF (portable document format) for easy printing and sharing.
DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) to use in CAD programs.
CSV (Comma Separated Values) to view the raw coordinates in a spreadsheet.
Image. You can export to PNG, JPG or SVG formats.
MFile. Export to Mfile to share with another Moasure app.
Open the Moasure app and select the measurement you want to export by going to Files located at the bottom of the app and then selecting Open.
Once the measurement is loaded, tap on File > Export.
Select the desired export format from the options provided.
Configuration options are available in app version 1.8 and upwards. If you are on an older app version, you will not be able to configure your exports.
When exporting to PDF, you can choose to change the default configuration options to customise the PDF to your liking. You can preview how the configuration options affect the PDF before exporting by tapping on Show Preview at the bottom of the Configure PDF screen.
The configurable options are explained below.
Dimension Font Size. The size of font used throughout the PDF document.
Paper Size. The size of the paper the PDF will be exported to. You can choose from a wide range of options, including A0 to A4, as well as engineering paper sizes such as ANSI C to E.
Scale to Fit. Scale to Fit is selected by default. This option automatically scales down or up the measurement to fit the dimensions of the paper size you have chosen to export to. When enabled, the PDF export process analyzes the content and the paper size you have selected. If the content is larger than the selected paper size, it scales it down proportionally to fit within the available space. This ensures that the entire content is visible and printable on the chosen paper size. Conversely, if the content is smaller than the selected paper size, "Scale to fit" may scale it up proportionally to maximize the use of the paper space. This helps avoid small content appearing too tiny on larger paper sizes.
Preset Scale. You can select a preset scale by turning the Scale to Fit option off. You can then choose from a wide range of scales ranging from 1:1 to 1:500. Each export with a selected scale (whether scale to fit or preset scale) features a scale bar with a scale ratio that indicates the relationship between the measurements shown on the paper and the corresponding measurements in real life. It provides a visual representation of the scale or ratio used to represent distances. To give an example: if you have selected a scale of 1:5, it means that each unit of measurement on the paper (in this case 1 cm) represents a larger measurement in real life (in this case, 5 cm). So, for every 1 cm you measure on the paper, it corresponds to a 5 cm distance in the actual world. To illustrate this further, if you measure an edge on the paper and it's 4 cm long, you can calculate the real-world length by multiplying it by the scale factor. In this case, 4 cm on the paper would represent a length of 20 cm in real life (4 cm x 5 = 20 cm). In addition, a grid of squares is displayed behind the measurement. These grid squares can be used to estimate the size of measurements in real life. The grid squares serve as a visual reference, allowing you to assess the relative sizes of measurement edges and total measurement. Remember, you can always look up the real world value of the measurement edges in the Edges Page on the PDF.
See below an example of PDF that is exported with the Scale to Fit option
Note: When selecting a preset scale (e.g. 1:5), It's possible that the measurement is too large to be presented on the page. In this case, a warning will be displayed on the PDF stating that "Measurement cannot be displayed because it's too big. You can adjust the scale settings or paper size to resolve this".
Center on Page. The Center on Page option is selected by default and centers the measurement on the page even when the measurement is dragged to the left or right of the app canvas prior to exporting. When this option is turned off, the measurement will not be centered. This can be useful for when you only want to export a section of the measurement (the section that is displayed on the app canvas). See below examples of the same PDF with the Center on Page turned on and off.
Show Grid. This option is selected by default. This option shows a light square grid on the PDF.
Show Layers on Separate Pages. This option is selected by default. When enabled, it will show Layers (in multi layer measurements) on the PDF by rendering each layer on separate pages.
Show in Black/White. This option enables you to export the PDF in black/white rather than in the default colours. This is useful when you want to export in higher contrast or simply save on ink.
Note: Scale is not supported for 3D exports. If you export a file in 3D, you cannot select Scale to Fit or preset scales (e.g: 1:5). Show Background Image and Show Grid are also not supported for 3D exports.
When exporting to CSV, you can choose to change the default configuration options to customise the CSV to your liking.
The configurable options are as followed:
Include Path Type. Adds a column and value for the Path Type of the recorded point. The Path Types in the CSV do not always map to the values in the UI. Below is a mapping table to help you understand the meaning of the CSV values.
Include Point Type. Adds a column and value for the Type of the recorded point (e.g. default, FlightPoint). A Point Type can be one of the following:
Include Layer Name. Adds a column and value for the name of the layer the recorded point is in (e.g Base Layer).
Include Layer Number. Adds a column and value for the layer number. The number corresponds to the chronological order the layers are added in. To give an example; if you have added one layer to your measurement, there will be two layers in total. The first layer (base layer) will be number 1 and the second (added) layer will be number 2.
Include Column Heading. Adds column heading names on the first row.
Include Area. Adds a column and value for the area.
Include Ignored Points. Adds Ignored points to the CSV.
Use Local Number Format. Uses local number formatting for displaying the number values. To give an example; when enabled, a user in the UK will have the square meter number formatted as 150.65 whilst a user in Spain will have the same number formatted as 150,65. See below an example of CSV file and image that is exported with all configuration options enabled.
Path Name is included as a column in the CSV and is not able to be configured (turned on/off) in the configuration options. Path Name is currently not used, but might be in the future, so this column can have empty values.
When exporting to DXF, you can select from two options:
3D. Includes elevation data.
2D. Flattens data by removing elevation.
When exporting to Image, you can select from three options:
JPG. Great for optimised file sizes.
SVG. Great for transparent background.
There are no configuration options for MFiles.
Besides exporting single files, you can also export multiple files at once. To do so, follow the steps below.
Tap on File > Multi Export in the bottom toolbar.
Select the files you want to export or select a whole folder.
Select the desired export format from the options provided.
Once you’ve learned all about the you have at your disposal, it’s time to find out what a Path is.
A Path is a line that connects pause points. When starting a new measurement, the Path will be set to Straight Line by default. This means that the first and second point of your measurement will be connected by a straight line.
Measurements taken with Moasure ONE can be made up of multiple Path Types and you can change them while you measure or after your measurement is complete.
There are seven Path Types:
Straight Line is the most common Path type you will use and the default when measuring. This simply connects each pause point with a straight line. Distance as well as elevation is measured in a straight line.
Straight Line is especially useful for measuring through or around obstacles and obstructions. Pausing with Moasure ONE and keeping the device still on each side of an obstacle will prompt the Moasure app to extrapolate and draw a Straight Line from one point to the other.
Trace Line measures and draws based on the movement of the Moasure ONE device. This path type is especially useful when measuring a complex or irregular shape, for example a lawn, pool or pond with curved edges.
Ignore Line allows you omit a length or distance from your measurement. For example, if you want to omit one edge or segment of a perimeter measurement, switching the Path type to Ignore Line will allow you to continue your measurement – once you've completed your measurement, the Ignore Line segment will be omitted from your measurement diagram.
On the other hand, if you want to measure around or through an obstacle – and still capture the movement in your measurement diagram, use Straight Line instead. This will connect the points in a straight line even when you walk around an obstacle.
Wall is an ideal Path type for capturing walled spaces such as rooms or fenced spaces such as yards or parking lots. Simply place Moasure ONE against the middle of each wall to see the Moasure app capture the plane of each wall, extrapolating into each corner. Finish your measurement at the same point at which you started your measurement to see perimeter, square footage/square meters as well as a dimensioned drawing of the space.
Collect at least three points with your Moasure ONE device using the Arc path type – the Moasure app will draw the best fit arc.
Circle mode will display the best fit circle that goes through as many of the points you measured as possible. Collect at least three points around the edge of the circled shape when measuring.
In this guide, you will learn how to navigate and view measurements in the Moasure app. We'll cover various viewing options and tools to help you visualise your data effectively.
From app version 2.0 onwards, views have been improved. They're now accessible on the canvas and have been expanded to include surface and contour views.
2D "plan view," provides a top-down perspective of your measurement. Tapping individual pause points reveals their relative XYZ coordinates, including height elevation. Tap away from any pause point on your screen to see the view icons again.
To visualize a measurement primarily on a sloping plane, rather than a horizontal one, switch to the '2D FIT' view. This perspective shows the measurement from an angle perpendicular to the sloping plane, causing dimensions and the area value to adjust accordingly. It's important to note that when measuring on a horizontal plane, switching to '2D FIT' won't result in a significant change in the view.
To view a Contour Map tap on the Contour Icon. The proximity of contour lines reflects relative gradient steepness over the measured area; closer lines indicate steeper gradients, and vice versa. The app automatically sets the contour interval.
To view elevations, grades, or gradients, switch to 3D view. Here's how:
Tap on a 3D icon.
Choose the 3D cube for standard 3D visualization or the 3D Surface Icon to see the Surface Mesh. The Surface Mesh view displays surface area and volume. Surface area is the sum of all faces of the three-dimensional figure, while volume is calculated by projecting to a horizontal plane set at the origin point's height (z-0).
You can interact with your measurements using touch gestures:
In 2D View:
Drag/Move (use two fingers to move horizontally)
Zoom (use two fingers to pinch vertically)
In 3D View:
Drag/Move (use two fingers to move left and right)
Zoom (use two fingers to pinch up and down)
Pan (use one finger to move left and right)
The Cross Section feature allows you to view the relationship between two points. Here's how to use it:
Select a point as your base point.
Tap on View in the bottom left corner.
Tap on Cross Section (scroll right in the toolbar if needed).
Select another point as your reference point and tap Cross Section.
In Cross Section, you will have three sub-views: Gradient, Plan, and Side.
In Cross Section, you will have three sub-views.
The Close Tool adjusts the measurement by moving the start and finish point to the same position. This can be useful for cases wherein you wanted to measure a closed shape and start and finish at the same point but ended up finishing at a slightly different point.
Once measurement is closed, the Close Tool changes to an Open Tool which does the opposite of the Close Tool.
To use the Open/Close Tool:
Tap on Edit
Tap on Open/Close
The Edit Label Tool enables you to add text to points. This is useful for recognition and demonstration purposes.
To add a new label, following the steps below:
Tap on a Point in a measurement to select it
Tap on Edit in the bottom bar
Tap op Edit Label in the toolbar
Enter a Text
Tap on Apply
You will now see the point label appearing on the screen. Once you tap anywhere else on the measurement, the label will be hidden. The labelled point however remains in sight and is recognisable through an orange colour.
To remove an existing label, follow the steps below:
Tap on a point in the measurement to select it
Tap on Edit in the bottom toolbar
Tap on Edit Label in the toolbar
Tap on the Bin icon next to the input/text field that appears
The Extrapolate corner tool will intelligently extrapolate a corner for you based on the angles of the measurement segments. This is useful when you cannot get into a corner during measurement.
If you’re unable to access the corner of a room or a garden, you can use the ‘Extrapolate Corner’ tool after your measurement is complete and Moasure will do the job for you.
See an example below:
Let’s say we want to calculate the area and perimeter of a garden but we are unable to reach one of the corners as there is an obstacle on our way.
Capture two points on each wall/line before and after the extrapolated corner to work.
Select the line you want to extrapolate to the corner;
Tap on ‘Edit’ and then select ‘Extrapolate Corner’.
Result: this action will extrapolate the selected line to the corner.
To 'Undo' an extrapolated corner, select the new corner point and then use the 'Undo Extrapolate Corner' tool.
The Edit Background tool enables you to add a background image to your measurement.
The Edit Background tool can be used to show clients or colleagues a visualisation of the measured project relative to a photographed area as the measurement would then lay over the background.
To add a background to your measurement, follow the steps below:
Tap on Edit in the bottom navigation bar to open the Edit Toolbar.
Tap on Edit Background.
Tap on Add Image located in the footer at the bottom.
An Image Picker will be shown that enables you to select an image from your phone to use as the background. Once you select an image, it will be uploaded to the app and used as your background.
Once you have added an image to your background, you can edit the image. The following image editing tools are available:
Rotate (rotates the background image by +90° degrees). To rotate the image, tap on the rotate icon in the right upper toolbar.
Zoom (zooms the background image in/out). To zoom, pinch by moving your index finger and thumb up and down).
Drag (drags the background image from to the left or right). To drag, tap on the image with your index finger and move it to the left or right.
Crop (crops the background image). To crop, tap on the crop icon in the right upper toolbar. White edges appear; anything outside of those edges will be cropped.
Change Opacity (changes the opacity / transparency of the background image). To change opacity, tap on the opacity icon in the right upper toolbar and then slide the slider that appears to the desired opacity level.
Reset (resets all changes made to the image and measurement drawing, i.e. reverts all changes made since an image was uploaded to the background).
By default the background image is selected, you can however also rotate, drag and zoom the measurement drawing. To do so, select the measurement drawing by tapping on the measurement icon in the right bottom. You can then rotate, drag and zoom the measurement drawing relative to the background image by using touch gestures. You can always switch back to the background image again to continue editing the background image.
The Square Up tool allows you to adjust the angles of your measurement. This is useful for room measurements where you want the walls and angles to snap to 90 or 45 degrees. You can change the intensity of Square up. There are three intensity levels:
To use the Square Up Tool
Tap on Edit
Tap on Square Up
Select your desired Square Up Intensity
Note: You can also export multiple files at once. To learn how to do this, go to.
Show Background Image. This option is selected by default. When enabled and when a background image is added to the measurement through the, it will add the background image to the PDF.
Include Path Number. Adds a column and value for the number of the recorded point. The number corresponds to the order of the Path Types in the measurement. To give an example; the first Path Type measured will be number 1. If the Path Type is consequently changed (e.g. from to ), the new path number will be 2. If only one Path Type is used in the measurement, all Path Types will have the number 1.
Include Point Label. Adds a column and value for the Label of the recorded point added through the
You will find the following Path types when measuring a or .
Remember, Moasure ONE records it's position according to the measurement – the pointed corner/edge of the device or Moasure STICK.
Points Path captures points without lines connecting them. This is useful for capturing points of interest such as trees or sprinklers. It is also the recommended Path Type for capturing elevation points when. Points captured by the points path function like any normal points and have the usual x, y and z-coordinates.
By default, the default Path type is set to Straight Line. If you would like to change the Default Path, so that every measurement starts in your preferred Path type, you can do so via Settings. You can learn more in the Guide.
Trace Line (with the option of smooth trace curves enabled in settings).
This is a normal pause point.
This is a normal ignore point.
This is an exact sample point on a Trace and Smooth Trace Path.
This is a point on the centre of an Arc/Circle.
This is a point on an Arc/Circle Path.
This is a point on a Wall Path.
Nesta secção aprenderá a ligar e desligar o dispositivo Moasure.
Há dois modos de ligar o Moasure: 1) Rotação: pode ligar o dispositivo segurando-o na vertical e rodando-o suavemente da esquerda para a direita e vice-versa; e 2) Toque Duplo: toque duas vezes no centro da parte verde do dispositivo Moasure.
Atenção: apartir de 1 de julho de 2024, os novos dispositivos só podem ser ligados por rotação.
Para ligar o dispositivo Moasure por Rotação, siga estes:
Pegue no dispositivo Moasure e segure-o na vertical, no STICK ou na sua mão;
Rode-o suavemente 180° para a direita;
Rode-o suavemente 180° para a esquerda;
O indicador LED começará a piscar a azul, indicando que o dispositivo está ligado.
Para ligar o dispositivo Moasure com o método Toque Duplo, siga estes passos:
Coloque o dispositivo na palma da sua mão;
Com a ponta do seu dedo, toque duas vezes no centro da parte verde do dispositivo Moasure.
Se tocar duas vezes demasiado rápido ou demasiado devagar, o Moasure pode não ligar. Não tenha pressa e pratique, ajustando a velocidade e a força dos toques.
Se pretender alterar a Sensibilidade de Toque Duplo, siga estes passos:
Clique em Definições (parte superior direita da aplicação);
Clique em Gestão de Dispositivos e Contas e, em seguida, em Dispositivo;
Clique no ícone Informações à direita do nome do seu dispositivo;
Ligue o seu dispositivo para que este se ligue à aplicação Moasure;
Clique em Sensibilidade de Toque Duplo e seleccione uma das seguintes opções: Baixa (toque mais forte), Média e Alta (toque mais suave).
Se estiver a utilizar o Moasure STICK, pode ligar o dispositivo Moasure sem o retirar da caixa de espuma:
Coloque o Moasure STICK sobre uma superfície sólida e plana;
Toque duas vezes na parte pontiaguda do Moasure STICK (onde se encontra a luz LED).
O seu dispositivo Moasure desliga-se automaticamente após 30 segundos de inatividade, para poupar bateria.
O 'Modo Ligar Por Rotação' está disponível a partir da versão de firmware 1.28. Se o seu dispositivo tiver a versão de firmware 1.28 ou superior, mas tiver o 'Modo Ligar por Toque Duplo' configurado, pode mudar para o 'Modo Ligar Por Rotação' dentro da aplicação. Basta seguir estes passos:
Clique em Definições (na parte superior direita da aplicação);
Clique em Gestão de Dispositivos e Contas;
Clique em Preferências do Dispositivo;
Clique em Firmware;
Ligue o seu Moasure. O dispositivo tem de estar ligado para poder efetuar alterações. Uma vez ligado, verá os dados do dispositivo aparecerem no ecrã.
Clique no modo de ativação atual e altere-o para o seu modo de ativação preferido.
Use the ignore tool to ignore points on a straight line.
The Ignore Tool enables you to ignore a point as if it was not captured. After a point is ignored, a line will be drawn between the point before and after it. This can be useful when you've captured a point because you had to stay within the 6-8 time limit or because you had to move around an obstacle.
Not all points can be ignored. If a point cannot be ignored, it will be greyed out in the app and won't be tappable. The following are points that cannot be ignored:
A start point
A finish point
A point that has already been ignored (an ignore point)
Instead of ignoring each point manually, you can also use the Auto Ignore Tool. Auto Ignore automatically ignores points that are on the same line that connects the start and end point.
Auto Ignore is a tool that enables you to automatically remove unwanted points on a straight path.
As you set down your Moasure ONE device throughout a measurement at 6 to 8 second intervals, the Moasure app records a point – a data coordinate with X, Y and Z values.
The Auto Ignore tool enables you to "ignore" or disable points along the same plane. Once a point is ignored, the Path is connected between the points before and after the ignored point, giving you a single, straight line and its corresponding measurement.
To Auto Ignore points, follow these steps:
On your measurement diagram, tap on the shape you'd like to edit
Tap Edit in the bottom toolbar.
Scroll along and tap Auto Ignore
To unignore a point, simply tap on the point and then tap Unignore in the Edit menu.
If you want to automatically ignore points for all measurements without following the steps above for each measurement, you can set Auto Ignore as a global setting. You can learn more about this in the Auto Ignore Setting guide.
If you want to manually remove points on a path, use the Ignore Tool instead.
The Edit Start tool enables you to change your measurement starting point.
You can change the start point by following the steps below:
Tap on Edit in the bottom navigation bar.
Tap on Edit Start in the toolbar that opens.
Tap on a new point you want to make your start point.
Tap on Set Start to make the selected point your new start point.
The Edit Paths Tool enables you to change the Path Types originally measured.
You can, for example, change a straight path to a trace path or an ignore path to a straight path. You can also create a circle or arc based on two paths and a point. Besides changing the type of path, you can also split and join paths. So if you have measured a whole measurement with, for example, 4 segments, in Straight Path, the Edit Paths will show them as one path. You can split the paths at each pause point to make them separately editable, so you can change one path to Trace Line and keep the others as Straight Line for example.
To change path types, follow the steps below:
Tap on Edit in the bottom navigation bar to open the Edit Toolbar.
Tap on Edit Paths.
The Edit Paths screen will now be shown. Each path will have a different colour so you know which paths are different from each other.
Select a path of your choice by tapping on it.
Tap on Change Path Type.
Select a new Path Type to change the type of your selected path
To split paths or join paths, follow the steps below:
Tap on Edit in the bottom navigation bar to open the Edit Toolbar.
Tap on Edit Paths.
The Edit Paths screen will now be shown. Each path will have a different colour so you know which paths are different from each other.
Select a point of your choice by tapping on it.
Tap on Split Path or Join Path.
The Paths will now be split or joined at the above selected point.
In this guide you'll learn how to use the cut/fill tool which helps you calculate the volume of material to add or remove from a site using the Moasure app.
The Cut/Fill tool is available in app version 2.0 and upwards. If you are on an older app version, you will need to update the app to access this feature.
When to Use Cut/Fill
You can use the Cut/Fill Tool when you're involved in earthwork or construction projects that require leveling the terrain. This tool helps determine the amount of material to be excavated or added to achieve the desired results. Let's say a landscaper is working on a project to create a terraced garden on a sloping site. They may use cut and fill techniques to achieve this. In the case of the cut operation, the landscaper may excavate the higher areas of the slope to create a level platform for the garden terraces. Let's say they remove 100 cubic yards of soil during this process. Next, for the fill operation, they might bring in additional soil or fill material to raise the lower areas of the slope, filling in the spaces between the terraces. Let's say they add 100 cubic yards of fill material. In this scenario, the cut and fill values would be equal, resulting in a net volume of 0. This means that the amount of soil removed (cut) is balanced by the amount of soil added (fill). It helps create a level surface for the terraced garden while maintaining overall volume equilibrium. While achieving volume equilibrium and minimizing material costs are crucial considerations in cut/fill projects, they may not be the sole factors. We can imagine a scenario where a landscaper might aim for a terrace height significantly surpassing the current lowest point, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the garden landscape. This desire for an elevated yet level terrace introduces a scenario where the net volume is not necessarily zero; there could be a need for more fill material than cut material, depending on the depth of the lowest point. To address this, the cut/fill tool can be utilised to set a specific level, such as +2 meters. Using the Moasure app, the tool calculates the necessary material adjustments—cutting and filling—to achieve the desired terrace height while maintaining a level surface.
There's a recommended way to measure volume. Learn more in our Measure Volume Guide.
Calculate Cut/Fill Volumes To use the Cut/Fill tool for volume calculations, follow these steps:
Open the app and tap on Edit.
Select Cut/Fill.
This will take you to the Cut/Fill Screen, where you'll find:
The cut volume.
The fill volume.
The net volume.
The level at which the cutting plane is positioned.
A slider that allows you to adjust the cutting plane to your desired level.
As you move the slider, you'll see the cut, fill, and net volumes change, and the level of the cutting plane adjusts accordingly. The volumes are calculated based on a vertical projection to the horizontal cutting plane.
Enter Custom Cutting Plane Value In addition to using the slider, you can input a custom value for the cutting plane level. To do this:
Tap on the Edit icon next to the level value.
Enter your desired value.
Tap Update.
The level will shift to the inputted value, and the cut, fill, and net volume values will update accordingly.
Reset Values to 0 If you want to determine the level where the cut volume is 0, follow these steps:
Tap on the reset icon next to the cut value.
This action will set the cut volume to 0, and it will adjust the fill, net, and level values. The cutting plane will visually move to the level where the cut volume equals 0.
You can perform a similar process for the fill volume and net volume by tapping on the reset icon. Setting the net volume to 0 helps you find the level where cut/fill values are equal, indicating the position for levelling the site whilst maintaining volume equilibrium.
The Moasure STICK Attachment is a setting that lets the Moasure app know that you're using the Moasure STICK.
If you want to use the Moasure STICK to measure, we recommend letting the Moasure app know that you're using Moasure STICK – this will help maximise accuracy.
Your Moasure device's is located on the bottom of the sharp corner. Once you've let the Moasure app know that you're using Moasure STICK – the reference point is moved to the tip of the foam-lined holder.
To let the app know that you're using the Moasure STICK, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Tap on Use Moasure STICK Attachment.
Select "Yes".
The is now moved to the tip of the foam-lined holder of the STICK.
The Auto Ignore setting will automatically ignore points on a straight path for all measurements.
There are several ways to ignore points on a measurements. You can use the (which is part of the edit tools) to manually select points to ignore, you can use the tool (which is part of the edit tools) to automatically ignore points for a specific measurement.
If you want to automatically ignore points on all measurements by default, you can use this setting to apply it automatically to all measurements.
To apply this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Switch on Auto Ignore Points under Auto Edit.
The Trace Path Options enable you to change how Trace Path Types behave.
Learn more about Trace Path in our guide.
Flight points are the points that make up the free form lines when using trace path. This Setting sets the distance between points captured when the device is “flying” between pause points when using Trace Path. You can choose the following options (we're using the metric system in below example, but the corresponding imperial values will be displayed if you have selected the imperial unit system):
0.10m is selected by default. The lower the value, the more precise the trace movement is captured.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Tap on Smooth Trace Curves under Trace Path Options.
Change the value (you can choose between yes and no).
The Starting Path Type Setting sets the default Path Type for all measurements. This is the Path Type that is selected by default when starting a measurement.
Learn more about Path Types in our .
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Tap on Starting Path Type and select the Path Type you wish to be selected by default.
In this guide, you will learn how to use the Add Depth Tool, which enables you to calculate the amount of material needed to cover a site with a specific added depth.
The Add Depth Tool is available in app version 2.0 and upwards. If you are on an older app version, you will need to update the app to access this feature.
The Add Depth Tool can be used to add custom depth to a site. This can be useful for scenarios such as calculating how much cubic metres of mulch to add to a sloped garden. The volume is calculated by multiplying the added depth by the surface area (which is the sum of areas of all the faces of the three-dimensional figure). The surface area changes when adding depth as it copies the surface and moves that up or down. The resulting volume calculation is based on a vertical projection to the copied surface set at the new level.
The Add Depth Tool can be useful for gardeners or landscapers planning mulching material application. It's also useful for hardscapers preparing foundations or base layers for pavements or patios. Let’s say a landscaper wants to know how much mulch he needs to add to cover a garden site at a depth of 6 inches (~15 cm) or a hardscaper wants to create a 6 inch (~15 cm) deep aggregate base layer for paving or concrete. They can calculate the volume of material required by taking the surface area and multiplying it by 6 inches (~15 cm). The Add Depth Tool makes this easy by pre-calculating the surface area and providing tools (such as a slider) to specify a depth, resulting in a volume calculation.
There's a recommended way to measure volume. Learn more in our Measure Volume Guide.
How to Use the Add Depth Tool To use the Add Depth Tool, follow the steps below:
Open the app and tap on Edit.
Select Add Depth
This will take you to the Add Depth Screen, where you'll find:
The volume after adding depth (initially set to 0).
The depth you've added.
As you adjust the slider, you'll see the volume change in response to the added depth value. The volume calculation is based on a vertical projection to a copied surface set at the new level. In simpler terms, it's the added depth multiplied by the surface area, where the surface area is the total area of all the faces of the three-dimensional figure.
For example, if you wish to determine how many cubic meters of mulch to add, the resulting volume calculated by this tool will provide you with that value.
The Measuring Units Setting enables you to change the unit system and decimal precision.
To change the unit system, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Units.
Select your desired Unit System by tapping on it. You can choose between metric and imperial.
You can change the decimal precision settings, i.e. the number of digits in a number, for the following units:
Linear (meters/feet)
Area (square meters/square feet)
Angle (degrees)
Gradient (percentage)
Export (meters/feet, which can be set differently to linear setting so that the export displays differently from the measurement in the app).
This setting enables you set a light or dark theme.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on th ecog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Theme Selection under Other. Set your preferred theme (you can choose between light and dark).
This setting enables you to mute the auditory feedback you get when measuring.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Switch on Mute Measurement Audio under Other.
The Auto Square Up setting will automatically apply the Square Up Tool to all measurements.
Learn more about Square Up Tool in our Square Up guide
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Measuring Options.
Switch on Auto Square Up under Auto Edit.
This setting enables you set the font size of measurements in the app. Note: this does not effect the font size of other texts in the app.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Dimension Font Size under On-Screen Preferences. Select your desired font size.
This setting enables you to hide Moasure Coach feedback and customise what type of feedback you would like to receive from the coach.
Moasure Coach aims to help you improve on your measurements by giving you tips and hints on how to improve. It will also highlight the sections of the measurements that can be improved. If you rather not see this feedback, you can turn off certain types of feedback or completely hide all feedback.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Show Coach Feedback under Moasure Coach and set this to no if you want to completely hide all feedback. If you want to hide only specific feedback, keep this on yes and tap on Coach Preferences instead. You can then switch off feedback you don't want to receive.
This setting enables you to disable analytics. Analytics is enabled by default.
Analytics helps us to improve the product and assist you better with your support requests. We therefore recommend keeping this enabled.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the righter upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Enable Analytics under Account Management.
Set your desired value (yes/no).
Export Preferences enables you to configure how your PDF and Image exports will look.
You can learn more about how to export and the supported export formats in our Export Measurement guide.
The Line Label Type enables you to configure the label that displays on a side / line of a measurement. You can choose between:
None (no label will be displayed)
Dimensions (a label will be displayed that shows the length of the side / line)
Side Number (a reference number will be displayed)
Line Dimensions are only displayed when there's enough space. You can zoom in to reveal hidden dimensions.
To change this settings, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Line Label Type under Export Preferences and select your desired label type.
This option enables you to show / hide labels on drawings. This effectively does the same as choosing "none" as a Label Type in the Line Label Type setting. To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Show Labels on Drawings.
Select your desired value (yes/no).
The labels in the PDF Summary are different from the side / line labels. They are the dimensions displayed of the path sides in the summary section of the PDF.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Show Labels in PDF Summary.
Select your desired value (yes/no).
Learn what data we store when you create an account and how to delete your account, which will anonymise all data associated with your account.
You will not be able to use Moasure ONE without an account. Deleting your account cannot be undone.
When you register an account on the Moasure app, we store your name and email address.
Measurements, background images and account profile images/logos are stored on your device and are not accessible to or shared by 3D Technologies / Moasure.
For the purposes of user experience improvements and research, we do collect data relating to app interactions. You can however disable analytics. Please note that analytics help us help you better when you submit a support request. To delete your account, follow the steps below:
Open Settings in the Moasure app by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Delete Account
Confirm you want to go through with the deletion by entering your password in the dialog that appears and tapping on Delete.
Once you complete the above steps, all data associated with your account will be completely anonymised, namely, your name and email address. If you're having trouble with the above, you can contact support at support@moasure.com with your data deletion request and we'll delete your account for you.
Use this when you want to log out from your Moasure Account.
To log out, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Log Out under Account Management.
Use this to reset settings to their default. Your measurements will not be deleted.
This will only reset the app settings. It won't affect the Moasure ONE device settings.
Tap on Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Reset Setings.
Confirm you want to go through with the reset by tapping on Reset in the dialog that appears.
Remove a Moasure ONE device.
To remove a Moasure ONE device, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Device Preferences under Device Management.
Tap on Remove Device.
Confirm that you want to go ahead with removing the device by tapping on Yes in the dialog that appears.
Add a Moasure ONE device.
You can have multiple Moasure ONE devices registered under one account and simply switch between them for measurements.
To add a Moasure ONE device, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Device under Device Management.
Tap on Add Device
Follow the instructions on the screen to pair your device. You can learn more about paring in our Connect Moasure ONE guide
Select another Moasure ONE devices in your account.
You can have multiple Moasure ONE devices registered under one account and simply switch between them for measurements.
To change a Moasure ONE device:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Device under Device Management.
You will see a list of devices. The selected device will have a checkmark in the bottom right corner of the Moasure ONE icon. Tap on a different device to change the selected device.
Once enabled, this setting adds Moasure module icons to the measurement drawing to show you to how the Moasure device was oriented when placed down.
The diagram only shows in certain modes when enabled.
To change this setting, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Display Options.
Tap on Show/Hide Modules in Diagrams under On-screen Preferences.
Select your desired value (yes/no).
Change the turn on method from double-tap to rotate or vice-versa.
The rotate to turn on method is only available on firmware versions from v1.28 upwards. The firmware updates are being rolled out to users globally. Once it's available for you, you will get a notification in the app to upgrade. If you would like early access to this feature, please contact us at support@moasure.com.
Moasure supports two turn-on methods. A legacy Double Tap method that requires a double-tap on the device to turn on and a new Rotate method that enables turning on the device by holding the device vertically and rotating it 180 degrees and back. Learn more about turning on the Moasure ONE in our Turn Device On and Off guide.
To change the turn on method, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Account & Device Management.
Tap on Device Preferences under Device Management.
Turn on your Moasure ONE device. The device needs to be turned on in order to make changes. Once the device is connected, you will see the device data appear on screen.
Tap on your current Turn on method and change it to your preferred turn on method.
The Device Disconnection Setting is what determines the time the Moasure ONE device disconnects and turns off.
The Moasure One device will generally turn off within a minute if you turn it on without starting a measurement to save your battery. You can change Moasure Device time out setting through your Settings. Below are the steps to do so:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner
Tap on Measuring Options
Tap on Moasure Device Disonnection and change it to your desired value. You can select the following values: one Minute, two minutes and five Minutes.
Send a support request through the app.
You can contact us via the app or via support@moasure.com. We recommend sending a support request through the app as this will provide us with diagnostic and measurement data that will enable us to assist you better.
To send a support request through the app, follow the steps below:
Open Settings by tapping on the cog icon in the right upper corner.
Tap on Send Support Request.
Write your message and tap on Send Support Email.
The email will be sent via your default email client on the phone. Confirm sending through the email client. Once you do this, the request will be sent and you will be re-directed to the app.
You will not receive a confirmation message in the app as the request will have been sent through your phone's default email client, so it might appear that your email has not been sent at all in the app. Don't worry about this. As long as you've sent it through your email client, we will have received it. We are working on improving this experience.
Aprenda as noções básicas para medir áreas e perímetros com o nosso Training Manager, Simon. Ideal para principiantes, este vídeo é um excelente ponto de partida para obter medições precisas.
Neste vídeo, mostramos-lhe como medir duas áreas verdes com o Moasure, utilizando as suas poderosas funções de Volume e Traçado de Linhas. Descubra como o Moasure mede a Área e o Volume para o nivelamento de superfícies e como traça formas irregulares facilmente.
A sua Primeira Medição: Área e Perímetro
Demonstração do Moasure em espaços exteriores
Como medir rapidamente um parque infantil
Como medir um caminho de acesso
Como medir um jardim irregular
Como medir um deck em minutos
Measure Volume
Measure Pools
Measure Elevation
Measure Staircases
Measure Around Obstacles
Measure Circles and Arcs
Neste tutorial, mostramos-lhe passo a passo como calcular com precisão a área e o perímetro de um caminho de acesso. Além disso, aprenderá a utilizar a função Camadas, que nos vai permitir referenciar vários elementos no mesmo plano.
Moasure makes it easy to measure pools. In this guide, you will get some tips on how to go about measuring pools.
Before starting measuring a site, we recommend to plan where you will start, pause and finish. A good measuring plan will enable you to stay within the time range limits (6-8 seconds) of the Moasure ONE by pausing at the right time and decisively place the Moasure One down without panicking. If your shape is closed, you can choose the Closed Shape Measurement Type as you will be starting and ending at the same place. For this guide, let's imagine we're measuring an average pool of 6 by 12 meters. We can plan to stop every 6 meters which will be approximately 6 seconds. That way, we will stop approximately 12 times. Another part of planning is thinking about what Path Type(s) we will be using. If the pool is rectangular, we can use Straight Line. If our pool has curvatures however, we need to use Trace Line so we can capture the curved edges. If our pool's edges are straight at some places and curved at others, we can use a combination of straight and trace lines. We can change the Path Type after each pause point (the point at which we place the device down). Last but not least, we need to consider any objects that might be in our way, so that we can plan ahead on how to avoid them. If we use straight line, we can walk right around an object and the round/curved move we make around the object will not be captured as Moasure will draw a straight line between the pause points. If we use trace line however, we would need to switch to Straight Line or Ignore Line to go around the obstacle as going around an obstacle in trace line will trace / capture exactly how we've moved around it. Ignore Line however will not capture how you walk between the two pause points. This is useful if you want that part to be empty on your measurement drawing. Bear in mind however that ignored paths cannot be labelled. If you're interested in labelling where an object starts and ends, you might want to use Straight Line to capture the length of the object and then label where the object starts and ends. Learn more about Labeling in our Edit Label Guide. We're going to measure the pool illustrated below (see illustration 1), which has straight lines only, so we can measure it entirely using the Straight Line path type. It does have some obstacles however. The obstacles are the fountain on the right side and the two sunbeds at the front. Since the pool's edges are all straight, we can simply use straight lines to move around these objects. We will plan to pause at each point where the side moves into a different direction (see illustration 2).
The mental planning picture of start / finish and pause points and where we need to move around obstacles is captured in the following picture.
Now that we have planned out:
where / when to start, pause and finish (every 6 meters at points the edges change direction)
what measurement type we will use (closed shape)
where to move around obstacles (at the fountain and sunbeds)
which path types to use (straight line and potentially ignore line)
We can go ahead and start measuring. As long as we measure with the right technique, we should get a great measurement. Since this is a closed shape, we will be able to see square meters / square footage and get an Error Percentage that tells us how good our measurement was.
You might wonder how you can measure locations of trees or sprinklers inside a space, for instance the position of several trees on a lawn. We'll address this use case in this guide.
There are two ways you could achieve this. You can achieve this using a single measurement or by first completing a measurement and then adding a layer. We will explain both options and their advantages and disadvantages below, starting with single measurement.
1. Measure the Lawn Perimeter - Start by measuring the lawn perimeter. - Return to the start point without ending the measurement. 2. Capture Tree Locations - Change the path type to Points Path. Move towards the first tree and place the device at the tree’s location. Repeat this process until all tree locations are captured. If you cannot reach a tree location within the 6-8 second recommended time range, you can switch to ignore path before moving to the next location and stop in between. The stops in between will then be marked as ignore points so you can distinguish them visually from the other points. You can also ignore points post measurement. 3. Complete Measurement - End the measurement once all tree locations are marked.
Add a New Layer - Add a new layer to the measurement by tapping on the "Layers" Icon in the right bottom corner of the app and then tapping on "Add Layer". - You will be prompted to place the device at the shared origin. This is the start point of the first measurement (layer). - Once you place the device down and it's stationary at the shared origin, you will be prompted to move anywhere along the first origin edge. - The above two steps allows the Moasure device and Moasure App to correctly align your new layer to your first layer. Whilst completing these steps you will be in Ignore Path, so you will be prompted to change to a different path once completing those steps, so that the app can start drawing your measurement.
Capture Tree Locations - Change the path type to Points Path. Move towards the first tree and place the device at the tree’s location. Repeat this process until all tree locations are captured. If you cannot reach a tree location within the 6-8 second recommended time range, you can switch to ignore path before moving to the next location and stop in between. The stops in between will then be marked as ignore points so you can distinguish them visually from the other points. You can also ignore points post measurement.
Complete Measurement - End the measurement once all tree locations are marked.
1. View in the App - In the app, you’ll see both the lawn perimeter and points representing tree locations on the drawing. If you've used a single measurement, they will appear on a single layer. If you've used Layers, they will appear on separate layers. In all cases, they will both be visible on the canvas by default, however you can choose to hide either when using Layers. The other benefit of using layers is that you can break up your measurement over time and save your progress between measurements, so that you just need to redo one layer if you make a mistake on the second layer rather than the whole measurement. A disadvantage of using layers could be that more care needs to be taken when starting the new layer to accurately align the new layer to the base layer. If this is not done well, the angle could be off. You can weigh these trade offs against each other to determine the best option for your project. - Tap on any point, whether on the perimeter layer or points layer, to view their respective x, y, z coordinates. 2. View on PDF - If you wish to view coordinates on a PDF export, label the points before exporting. Coordinates of points measured using Points Path or Ignore Path that are not labeled, will not show on the PDF Export. If coordinate visibility on the PDF isn’t essential, you can skip labelling; the points will still appear visually on the drawing. - If you've labelled points, their respective coordinates and text label will be displayed on the “Labelled Points” section of the PDF.
A step by step guide on how to import Moasure data into Uvision.
Moasure’s measurement data can be imported into Uvision using Moasure’s CSV exports in conjunction with Uvision’s Terrain Elevation Import Wizard. This wizard enables mapping Moasure’s format with Uvision’s. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Export the Data from Moasure:
Open the measurement you want to import using the Moasure app.
Tap "File" > "Export," then select "CSV."
Configure the export settings by choosing what data to include. For a simpler import, switch off all toggles except “Include Column Heading.”
2. Open the Import Wizard in Uvision:
Open Uvision, go to the "Tools" menu, and select "Terrain Elevation Import Wizard."
Click "Next" to proceed.
3. Match the Columns:
When prompted to specify which columns contain the X, Y, and Z data, select "manual" instead of the default "automatically determine."
Match Moasure CSV columns with Uvision's as follows:
Start Column: Choose the column containing X coordinates (note this should not be path or point, which the public csv file starts with). It should be the X column.
Order of XYZ Data: Select X, Y, Z as the required order.
Units: Ensure this is set to the right unit matching the export units set in Moasure.
4. Choose Contour Intervals:
Set the contour interval to your preference, like 6 inches or another suitable interval.
After completing these steps, your Moasure data should import smoothly into Uvision.
Moasure has an App Link / Deep Link API that allows partners to build deep link functionality. This allows partners to, for example, create a button in their app to start a measurement which on tap will open the Moasure app and start a measurement straight away. Once the action is completed, the Moasure app will then redirect the user to the partner app with the relevant data that can then be parsed by the partner app. There are also other operations supported.
To access the API, please contact support@moasure.com.
Moasure does not yet have a public facing web service API. If you are interested in this, we would like to hear from you. Contact us at support@moasure.com.
In this guide, you'll learn how to measure the volume and 3D terrain of a site.
Your Moasure device is designed to measure elevation by default, and all measurements are captured in 3D. Starting from app version 2.0, the Moasure app introduces volume and surface area calculations, enhancing your capabilities.
If you prefer watching instead of reading, you can watch the tutorial video below
Measuring Volume To measure volume accurately, follow these steps:
Measure the Perimeter.
Return to the starting point without ending the measurement.
Change the Path Type to Points.
Measure points within the perimeter. The more points you capture, the better the surface fitting accuracy. Capture additional points in areas with elevation fluctuations or undulations.
Once satisfied with the points captured, return to the original start point (this improves accuracy).
Finally, end the measurement.
Viewing Results
To view the measurement results, follow these steps:
You can learn more about the available views and how to use them in our Views Guide.
To see a surface mesh of the measured site, tap on the Surface Icon.
Below the surface mesh, you'll find the Surface Area and volume calculation.
To view a contour map, tap on the Contour Icon. Contour maps are used to represent the topography or elevation of a particular area. They typically display lines called contour lines that connect points of equal elevation. These lines help visualise the shape of the land to identify changes in elevation. The spacing between contour lines indicates the steepness of the slope. The closer the contour lines are, the steeper the slope and vice versa. The contour intervals are automatically set by the Moasure app.
Advanced Tools For advanced calculations, such as cut/fill values or adding material to a site, you can use the Cut/Fill and Add Depth Tools.
The Add Depth tool is specifically designed for calculating the volume of a material (such as mulch, soil, or gravel) based on a given surface area and desired depth of coverage. By multiplying these values, it calculates the total volume required.
The Cut/Fill tool, on the other hand, is used for determining the amount of material to be excavated (cut) or added (fill) during earthwork or construction projects to achieve desired levels and/or to level a site.
Use the Add Depth tool when you need to calculate the volume for uneven, undulating and/or sloping ground or calculate volume of a specific material (like mulch, soil, or gravel) required to cover a given surface area at a desired depth. This is useful for gardeners or landscapers planning mulching material application. It's also useful for hardscapers preparing foundations or base layers for pavements or patios. Let’s say a landscaper wants to know how much mulch he needs to add to cover a garden site at a depth of 6 inches (~15 cm) or a hardscaper wants to create a 6 inch (~15 cm) deep aggregate base layer for paving or concrete. They can calculate the volume of material required by taking the surface area and multiplying it by 6 inches (~15 cm). The Add Depth Tool makes this easy by pre-calculating the surface area and providing tools (such as a slider) to specify a depth, resulting in a volume calculation.
Use the Cut/Fill tool when you're involved in earthwork or construction projects that require leveling the terrain. This tool helps determine the amount of material to be excavated or added to achieve the desired results. Let's say a landscaper is working on a project to create a terraced garden on a sloping site. They may use cut and fill techniques to achieve this. In the case of the cut operation, the landscaper may excavate the higher areas of the slope to create a level platform for the garden terraces. Let's say they remove 100 cubic yards of soil during this process. Next, for the fill operation, they might bring in additional soil or fill material to raise the lower areas of the slope, filling in the spaces between the terraces. Let's say they add 100 cubic yards of fill material. In this scenario, the cut and fill values would be equal, resulting in a net volume of 0. This means that the amount of soil removed (cut) is balanced by the amount of soil added (fill). It helps create a level surface for the terraced garden while maintaining overall volume equilibrium.
Ultimately, the choice of tool depends on the specific project
O Modo Implantação é uma nova funcionalidade exclusiva do dispositivo Moasure 2 PRO, que permite introduzir coordenadas para que o Moasure o guie em tempo real até à localização exata de cada ponto no terreno.
Este processo consiste em adicionar um conjunto de coordenadas, manualmente ou através de um ficheiro CSV que contenha duas colunas (X e Y). Uma vez adicionadas as coordenadas, o Moasure guiá-lo-á em tempo real, permitindo-lhe localizar e marcar rapidamente cada ponto.
O Modo Implantação é exclusivo do dispositivo Moasure 2 PRO. Se não tiver um dispositivo Moasure 2 PRO registado e selecionado na sua conta, o Modo Implantação estará a cinzento e desativado na sua aplicação Moasure. Para além de ter um Moasure 2 PRO, a sua aplicação Moasure tem de ser atualizada para a versão 2.4 ou superior. Saiba mais sobre o Moasure 2 PRO.
IMPORTANTE: Todas as coordenadas são referenciadas a uma linha de referência; ou seja, os dois primeiros pontos capturados no início (A e B). Para mais informações, consulte a secção "Revisar e Pré-visualizar os Dados".
Escolher o Tipo de Medição "Implantação"
Abra a aplicação Moasure;
Clique no ícone "+" na parte inferior da aplicação;
Clique em "Implantação".
Importar as coordenadas
Clique no ícone verde "+" para começar a adicionar coordenadas. Em seguida, terá de escolher se pretende adicionar as coordenadas manualmente ou através de um ficheiro CSV.
Se já tiver adicionado coordenadas anteriormente e as tiver utilizado, estas serão guardadas automaticamente e poderá voltar a utilizá-las sempre que quiser. As coordenadas guardadas podem ser encontradas no ecrã "Adicionar Coordenadas".
2.1 Importar as coordenadas a través de um ficheiro CSV
Clique em "Importar CSV";
Em seguida, poderá selecionar um ficheiro CSV guardado no seu telemóvel. Selecione um ficheiro CSV, certificando-se de que está em conformidade com o formato exigido, que é detalhado abaixo:
O formato deve ter duas colunas sem cabeçalhos/títulos:
Coordenada X (coluna da esqueda)
Coordenada Y (coluna da direita)
Ficheiro CSV de exemplo
A seguir pode descarregar um ficheiro CSV de exemplo:
O intervalo de tolerância (raio) tem um valor pré-definido. Se estiver satisfeito com esse valor, não precisa de introduzir quaisquer valores adicionais.
2.2 Importar as coordenadas manualmente
Selecione "Introdução manual de dados" e, em seguida, clique no ícone verde "+" na parte inferior direita do ecrã;
Introduza os valores das coordenadas;
Antes de clicar em "Adicionar", introduza o intervalo de tolerância (raio). Esta opção permite-lhe indicar um raio dentro do qual pretende encontrar as coordenadas. Pode definir este raio de acordo com a precisão necessária para o trabalho que vai realizar. Pode escolher entre estas 3 opções:
2 cm: escolha esta opção para uma maior precisão. Ideal para quando é necessário marcar uma localização exata.
5 cm: esta é uma opção de precisão moderada. Equilibra a precisão com uma área de pesquisa mais alargada, adequada para fins gerais.
10 cm: escolha esta opção para obter a precisão mais baixa. Esta definição abrange a área mais vasta, útil quando as coordenadas exatas são menos críticas e se procura uma proximidade geral.
Escolha um intervalo de tolerância (raio) dependendo da proximidade das coordenadas do Alvo. Um raio mais pequeno aumenta a precisão mas reduz a área de pesquisa, enquanto um raio maior aumenta a área de pesquisa mas reduz a precisão.
Uma vez introduzidos todos os valores, deve especificar se as coordenadas são:
A) "Relativa à origem" (medidas em relação ao ponto de origem) ou
B) "Relativa ao ponto anterior" (medida em relação ao ponto anterior).
Lembrete: pode escolher entre unidades em pés ou em metros.
Rever e Pré-visualizar Dados
Uma vez adicionadas as coordenadas, pode vê-las, editá-las ou eliminá-las utilizando os botões na parte direita do ecrã.
Ao editar uma coordenada, pode alterar o intervalo de tolerância (raio), o X e o Y, bem como a posição da coordenada na lista. Isto é útil quando se pretende reordenar as coordenadas na lista. Para o fazer, basta clicar no ícone "Editar", selecionar o número da posição pretendida no menu suspenso e clicar em "Atualizar".
Uma vez efetuadas todas as alterações, clique em "Pré-visualização". A aplicação criará um desenho para que se possa certificar de que os dados estão corretos.
A Linha de Referência é crucial para uma colocação exata das suas coordenadas. A seguir pode encontrar mais informações:
É necessário capturar uma linha de referência para referenciar as coordenadas.
A linha de referência é formada pelos dois primeiros pontos (A e B) capturados no início. Estes pontos desempenham um papel fundamental, pois estabelecem o eixo X.
As coordenadas introduzidas são relativas à origem (A).
No início, a aplicação pedir-lhe-á para traçar uma linha de referência (dois pontos - A e B) antes de o guiar até à localização das coordenadas introduzidas.
Quando estiver satisfeito com os dados introduzidos, clique em "Continuar".
Alinhar o telemóvel com a Linha de Referência
O Moasure utiliza os sensores do seu smartphone para o guiar até às coordenadas introduzidas. Para isso, é essencial que alinhe o seu telemóvel na mesma direção que a linha de referência. A linha de referência é composta pelos dois primeiros pontos que ajudam a orientar o dispositivo, começando pelo Ponto de Origem. Uma vez capturados, os eixos X e Y serão definidos. Em seguida, clique em "Feito".
A aplicação utiliza uma seta no ecrã do se telemóvel para indicar a direção das coordenadas. O ecrã roda automaticamente para manter esta orientação. Se os sensores do seu telemóvel não suportarem esta função ou se estiver em áreas onde os sensores se comportam de forma estranha, pode desativar a função de rotação automática clicando no ícone do cadeado na parte inferior direita do ecrã.
Coloque um cone o uma bandeira no Ponto de Origem da Linha de Referência. Deve ser alguma coisa que seja fácil de lembrar, uma vez que terá de terminar a medição exatamente nesse ponto.
Oriente o dispositivo deslocando-o rapidamente do primeiro ponto da Linha de Referência para o segundo, mantendo-se sempre da zona verde da barra de tempo. Tenha em conta que as coordenadas introduzidas são referenciadas ao ponto de origem. A Linha de Referência é apresentada na parte inferior esquerda da aplicação como uma bússola.
Uma vez concluído este passo, será guiado até ao Alvo 1, que corresponde à primeira coordenada no seu ficheiro CSV ou na sua lista de coordenadas introduzida manualmente. O ponto de destino será representado no plano com um ícone de mira.
Não se esqueça de rodar o dispositivo gradualmente, nunca de forma brusca, e de o colocar no chão de forma rápida mas suave. Caminhe até ao primeiro ponto alvo, certificando-se de que coloca o dispositivo dentro da zona verde da barra de tempo e nunca para além da zona âmbar.
Assim que colocar o dispositivo no terreno, a aplicação indicará se foi colocado dentro do raio do Alvo (previamente definido) ou fora dele. Se o dispositivo estiver fora do raio do Alvo, a aplicação indica-lhe a distância até ao alvo e apresenta uma linha pontilhada entre a sua posição atual e o ponto do alvo, orientando-o na direção correta com uma seta. Se o dispositivo estiver dentro do raio do alvo, o ícone da mira fica verde com uma marca de verificação. Coloque um cone o uma bandeira dentro do Alvo. Em seguida, será guiado até o próximo alvo e assim sucessivamente.
Depois de atingir o último Alvo, deve regressar ao Ponto de Origem marcado com a letra "A" no plano.
Siga estes passos para localizar com precisão os pontos no terreno a partir de um conjunto de coordenadas pré-definidas.
Learn how to measure elevation, slope, rise/run and gradient.
Moasure measures elevation by default, but to view the elevation changes, you must switch to 3D View in the app. Learn more about views in our Views Guide.
Moasure ONE uses high performance inertial sensors to record changes in its own position as it moves from one point to another. Moasure ONE measures in 3D by default, so it will always automatically capture elevation changes, slope and rise and run / rise and fall. To view measurements in 3D, you can switch to 3D View. To view rise and run, rise and fall, slope and gradient, you can use the Cross Section View Tool. The elevation is measured relative to the starting point, which is the origin (x:0, y:0, z:0). The elevation can be positive (upwards) and negative (downwards). The elevation captured depends on the Path Type used for the measurement. When using Straight Line, elevation is measured in a straight line between the two points and elevation changes between the pause points (in-flight) are disregarded. In Trace Line, elevation changes are captured in-flight which means that you see exactly how the device has moved up or down in between the pause points.
When you place Moasure ONE down and keep the device still, Moasure's algorithms calculate the data and the Moasure app records a point – a data coordinate with X, Y and Z (elevation) values. The X,Y and Z values are relative to the origin point (x:0, y:0, z:0). The first point recorded in a measurement is always the 0 point (x:0, y:0, z:0). Subsequent X, Y and Z coordinates are calculated and displayed relative to this origin.
This means that when you measure the complete perimeter of a yard, for example, the linear distance between each point is calculated, as well as height or elevation of the point itself.
Using advanced algorithms, the Moasure app then calculates the overall linear distance, giving you the perimeter measurement – and giving you the total square footage of the space.
Descubra a poderosa função de Camadas do Moasure que permite medir parques infantis complexos compostos por diferentes secções em questão de minutos.
Learn how to measure interior and exterior staircases.
Follow these steps to measure a staircase: 1. You can start a closed shape measurement by tapping on '+' in the bottom centre of the app and choosing Closed Shape. A closed shape will provide the perimeter as well as the square footage/square meters. 2. In the following screen, you can start measuring. At the bottom, you will see the available path types. By default, the path type it will measure in is 'Straight Line'. This means that the pause points (the points at which you place the device down) are connected by a straight line. You can leave it on Straight Line. 3. Choose a memorable start point at the bottom of your staircase, for example at the left bottom of the staircase. Place your device stationary at that start point to record your first measurement point.
4. Walk up the stairs and stick to the side you've chosen (e.g. if you started on the left, stick to the left) and place the device down every 6-8 seconds. There's no rush in getting to a specific point, you can pause as many times as you want/need. 5. Once at the top, pause to record that measurement point and then move to the other side of the staircase (for example right) and place the device down to capture the furthest point on the other side of the staircase. 6. Walk down the staircase and repeat step 4 (stopping every 6-8 seconds by placing the device down making sure it is stationary). 7. Once you reach the bottom, stop again. 8. Now walk to the other side to finish at the same point where you started so that the shape is closed. 9. Tap the red stop icon at the bottom of the screen to complete your measurement. You will now see the 2D 'plan view' of the drawing that you have captured which shows a top-down perspective of your measurement where you can see the perimeter and area of the staircase. By tapping on the 3D cube, you can explore elevations, grades, or gradients. Tapping each selected point reveals their relative XYZ coordinates, with Z showing the height elevation. By tapping on a selected edge, you can view the length, rise and run. Read more about and .
Moasure ONE lets you measure circles and arcs with ease. Watch our quick video tutorial to learn how to measure circle radius, diameter, circumference and even calculate area.
Capture 3 or more points around a circle to measure the radius, diameter, circumference or the area of a circle. Arc Path Type enables you to measure arc length, arc angle and segment area just as easily.
Collect at least 3 points on the edge of the circle or arc
All points must be on the circumference or the edge of the arc
Spread your points across as much of the perimeter of circle
Learn how to measure through or around obstacles and obstructions with Moasure.
Watch this quick tutorial video on how to utilize both the Ignore tool and the Extrapolate Corner tool to measure complex spaces.
Obstacles or obstructions may seem like a challenge when measuring with Moasure, since motion-measuring requires you to pause every 8 seconds.
However, the Moasure app the powerful Ignore tool within the Moasure app offers you a quick and simple way to measure through obstacles as if they never existed.
In the following example, the back yard has large solar panels situated along the perimeter, preventing us from taking a measurement along the very edge of the lawn.
Thanks to the powerful Ignore tool within the Moasure app, we are able to instead measure around the obstacle, capturing points as we go, until we get to the other side of the obstacle. Then, once we've returned to the measurement start point to complete the measurement of the space, we're able to utilize the Ignore tool to remove unwanted points from the measurement drawing.
After a point is ignored, a line will be drawn between the point before and after it. You can pause and capture as many points as you need in order to measure around an obstacle. Likewise, you can ignore or remove as many points as you need in order to create an accurate measurement and corresponding drawing of a space.
The following clip demonstrates how using the Ignore tool essentially removes measurement points.
Use the Wall Path Type to rapidly measure building footprints or rooms.
Seamlessly import your measurements from Moasure into ArcSite with a single tap. Using ArcSite you can take your measurements and turn them into a fully priced customer proposal in minutes.
View the official guide on .
Scribe changes the way floorplans are drawn and used. By sharing a URL, anyone can access the floorplan, and then inspect the property in 3D. Whilst exploring a property in 3D, you can change the style of the interior of the property, attach notes to elements within the property and breakdown area calculations. The floorplan has become far more than just a static image and now it is a proper digital twin of a property.
Learn more about the tool.
Seamlessly measure up with Moasure and build flooring estimate floorplans and layouts onsite, with MeasureSquare on iPhone or iPad.
Measure up irregular outdoor spaces easily with Moasure.
Optimises cut plans to minimise roll waste.
Options to specify layout direction & seam locations.
Calculate required product quantities.
Create professional quotes & capture customer signatures onsite.
Spend less time measuring up and more time closing your customer.
Measure up a floorplan with Moasure.
Drag & drop flooring products to specific areas.
Calculate product quantity, layout direction, seam locations & waste optimisation.
Create professional quotes & capture customer signatures.
Create work orders with installation diagrams.
Bid Professionally And Profitably Create professional bid packages and pricing options with protected profit.
Instant Waste Optimization Auto find minimum waste layouts & build cut sheets - instantly.
Field And Office Collaboration MeasureSquare's M2 Cloud enables office and showroom collaboration with field reps to serve customers faster.