Once you’ve learned all about the Measurement Types you have at your disposal, it’s time to find out what a Path is.
A Path is a line that connects pause points. When starting a new measurement, the Path will be set to Straight Line by default. This means that the first and second point of your measurement will be connected by a straight line.
Measurements taken with Moasure ONE can be made up of multiple Path Types and you can change them while you measure or after your measurement is complete.
You will find the following Path types when measuring a Closed Shape or Open Shape.
There are seven Path Types:
Straight Line is the most common Path type you will use and the default when measuring. This simply connects each pause point with a straight line. Distance as well as elevation is measured in a straight line.
Straight Line is especially useful for measuring through or around obstacles and obstructions. Pausing with Moasure ONE and keeping the device still on each side of an obstacle will prompt the Moasure app to extrapolate and draw a Straight Line from one point to the other.
Trace Line measures and draws based on the movement of the Moasure ONE device. This path type is especially useful when measuring a complex or irregular shape, for example a lawn, pool or pond with curved edges.
Remember, Moasure ONE records it's position according to the measurement Reference Point – the pointed corner/edge of the device or Moasure STICK.
Points Path captures points without lines connecting them. This is useful for capturing points of interest such as trees or sprinklers. It is also the recommended Path Type for capturing elevation points when measuring volume. Points captured by the points path function like any normal points and have the usual x, y and z-coordinates.
Ignore Line allows you omit a length or distance from your measurement. For example, if you want to omit one edge or segment of a perimeter measurement, switching the Path type to Ignore Line will allow you to continue your measurement – once you've completed your measurement, the Ignore Line segment will be omitted from your measurement diagram.
On the other hand, if you want to measure around or through an obstacle – and still capture the movement in your measurement diagram, use Straight Line instead. This will connect the points in a straight line even when you walk around an obstacle.
Wall is an ideal Path type for capturing walled spaces such as rooms or fenced spaces such as yards or parking lots. Simply place Moasure ONE against the middle of each wall to see the Moasure app capture the plane of each wall, extrapolating into each corner. Finish your measurement at the same point at which you started your measurement to see perimeter, square footage/square meters as well as a dimensioned drawing of the space.
Collect at least three points with your Moasure ONE device using the Arc path type – the Moasure app will draw the best fit arc.
Circle mode will display the best fit circle that goes through as many of the points you measured as possible. Collect at least three points around the edge of the circled shape when measuring.
By default, the default Path type is set to Straight Line. If you would like to change the Default Path, so that every measurement starts in your preferred Path type, you can do so via Settings. You can learn more in the Starting Path Guide.